President: Emily Kress -294-0077

Secretary- Gwen Sill - 261-0836



A team will consist of no more than THREE (3) players. Teams may decide for themselves which THREE (3) players will play each week.

Anyone can sub for any one but you must put SUB by the sub’s name on score sheet

 Any team not showing up to play three (3) times in the seasons forfeit all rights claims to prize money.

No players under 21 years of age are allowed to participate. If a team member is barred from a tavern, an alternate player must play for them when scheduled at that tavern.


Each player will pay $6.00 per game totaling $18.00 per team. The team is responsible for their money each week as follows:

Home team: $9.00 in the envelope $9.00 into machine.

Visiting team: $9.00 in the envelope $9.00 in the machine.

The captain of each team should make sure the correct amount is in the envelope.

Your roster and score sheets will be brought up-to-date-each week and posted on the internet.




There is a mail slot to the right of the big garage door on Frederick you can put your envelope in if it is after hours. Envelopes should be in no later than**** 8:00 A.M. Friday.**** If your envelope is not turned in 2 weeks in a row your team will be suspended until the money is caught up!!!!. Each team is responsible for envelope. In case of a cancellation due to weather we will make-up those games at end of the schedule.


Each team will have their score sheet and you will fill it out with players first and last name and their handicap (except the first week) HOME team will always bowl 1st 2nd and 3rd VISITORS will bowl 4th 5th and 6th.

If there is a bye you do not have to bowl but if a team drops out you will have to bowl only because other teams have already bowled them!!

First week will start out scratch with no handicap

Handicaps will go 3 teams and draw a line if there is a tie you will draw the line under the tie and it will go as follow 20, 40, 60 and continue 20 pts per line


All games will start at 7:00 p.m. (actual time) and no later than 7:15 p.m. with each remaining game starting after the finish of the previous game.

When playing league a team may pause the machine one time.

When we do payback for league Acme will take $3.00 per team for a large MVP trophy and a small last place trophy.